Monday, February 9, 2009

Time is of the essence

Consumers should be shouting off the rooftops about the fantastic deals they are being offered in both housing and mortgage rates. Mortgage rates have dropped to the lowest level since the 1970s. Housing prices are the lowest they have been in years, affordability is available and offered. So why are so many consumer waiting? I believe many consumers are waiting to see what will happen. They want the best deal possible so they are on the fence waiting for rates to drop even lower and home deals to get even better. But sadly they may be missing out on something that will not last much longer.

According to a recent poll done by local real estate industry professionals asking when they think the market will start to recover (meaning the sellers will once again get the upper hand) 25% said mid 2009, 25% said late 2009, and 37% said late 2010. If these predictions hold true we could see a shift in the next year towards stabilization of home prices and mortgage rates. This means that sellers will no longer give away the firestorm deals and incentives they have in the past 2 years and it is likely that with this stabilization the Fed will bring the interest rates back to a normal level we have seen in recent years rather then the under 6% range we see now.

So like any other investment there is risk and in a market like this the risk is much lower for buyers then it is for sellers. The deals are out there but many consumers might have noticed that less and less builders are giving away their homes and re-sale sellers are taking their homes off the market until the prices stabilize. The time is now; buy now or you might loose money later.

Buyers are seeing that there are a lot of great resale deals or perhaps hearing about all the quick sale/ foreclosures that are out there. Yes quick sales are up meaning that the amount of distressed properties are up. Many people are struggling to make their house payments because of all the crazy loans they were put into are now adjusting. This is both bad and good. The bad news is we never want to see this many people struggling with their payment, this is bad for both them, the banks, and the community. However President Obama has pledged that between $50billion and $100billion will be used to help boost efforts in combating the increasing mortgage foreclosures. The good thing is that an increase in Foreclosed sales and closes in the area means the inventory will soon be going down. The idea is the more inventories we wash out the more stable the market will be.

There is a pent up demand for homes out there and anytime now consumers will realize that now is not only the time to buy but the BEST time to buy. So as the title of this blog suggest, time is of the essence. Buy now or soon or else you could miss out or find yourself purchasing your home with a higher interest rate and a higher price.

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