Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Interview with a top Realtor in Colorado Springs

There is a lot of negative media out there that talks about how bad the real estate market is. Is it as bad as they are saying?

The market is not bad at all. If someone on your weather channel told you it was going to be cold and rainy all across the USA today would you believe them? Of course not. It is the same for our economic situation. You cannot talk about the whole country. We are huge and different areas of the country have been affected differently than from other areas. We have been very blessed here in Colorado. We have had a slight correction to the market of approximately 3-5% depending on what area of town you are in. My little company of 40 agents sold over 30 million dollars in homes in the month of May. Does that sound like a bad market? I don’t think so.

What are the advantages of buying a home in a “buyers market” like we are seeing now?

It is a wonderful time to buy. There is a bountiful selection of homes both resell and new to choose from. Interest rates are staying right around 6% or less. This is an amazing interest rate. Sellers and Builders both are being creative and giving some wonderful incentives. I would encourage anyone, that this is a perfect time to take that step forward.

BJ you have a long history working in Real Estate. In your experience how long does a down market last and when do you think we will see a shift in the current real estate market?

We have down markets just about every 7 years. It usually takes over a year to reach its lowest level but bounces back quite quickly. This is what I see happening right now. The market is turning and going back up and FAST.

What is one of the number one things you see/hear families are looking for when buying a new or resale home?

What most families are looking for in a new home is a good location with good schools and a livable floor plan. Most of the families I work with are wanting more open floor plans, lots of windows for light, and a decent size yard but not too big. With the cost of watering and taking care of big yards, they are more of a disadvantage. Most families would prefer to live close to a park or community open space for the kids to throw the ball around.

What are some of the advantages of using a professional real estate agent like yourself?

Using a real estate agent is smart. It does not cost the buyer one extra penny to use an agent. The builder or seller pays for the buyer to have one. It is wonderful to have someone look out for your best interest. It is especially good to have one that has many years of experience and knows what to look out for. Buying a home is the biggest #1 investment you will make in your life. You need someone experienced and someone knowledgeable to help you with that important decision.

Are there any other insights you would like to add about the current real estate market or about buyer’s attitudes today?

Don’t believe everything you read or hear in the media. Unfortunately “bad” news sells and good news doesn’t. Would someone please explain that one to me? The last thing I would like to say is, we live in one of the most beautiful places in the entire world. Why not own a piece of it. You will never regret it.

BJ Burns has been practicing real estate in the Pikes Peak region for over 23 years. Through her dedication to serving her families BJ has built a reputation of integrity. BJ currently offices with The Platinum Group of Realtors. For more information about BJ Burns please visit her online at or you can contact her at 719.536.4301.

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